CARTONDULE : 5 - 10 séptembre 2007
The first installment of the Temporary Nations Project took place in Lyon, France.
Blandine CATTANI
Laurène VERNET
were the citizens of Cartondule. We worked together from the 12 of August until the 10 of September. Our territory was provided by Chantier Public. Here is a photo during the calm declaration of (en)dependence.
We created our own musical instruments and experimented with ritual expressions of our community.
There are many photos and videos here as well (français).
In addition to the creation of our nation we continued to build on the project in other ways, making use of the time we had there.
We went on an expedition and founded our National Park in a relatively nearby abandoned lot.
I will continue to update this portion of the site as we created so many objects.
Here is an essay on the prehistory of Cartondule :
Prähistorische Geschichte von Cartondule
Die hier fotografisch dokumentierten prähistorischen Funde, sind Zeugnisse der schon früh hochentwickelten kartondulischen Kultur. So finden sich neben einer detaillierten Bauanleitung eines Pfeil und Bogen ähnlichen Werkzeugs auch künstlerische Frühwerke in beeindruckender Qualität und Vielfalt. Die Analyse der Artefakte führte zu radikalen Neuinterpretationen frühster Kulturgeschichte.
Cartondule`s prehistoric history
These prehistoric findings, documented through photographs, are witnesses of Cartondulian culture, already highly developed at an early stage. Next to a detailed instruction of a bow-and-arrow-like hunting tool, there are early artistic works in impressive quality and diversity, too. The analysis of these artifacts led to radically new interpretations of earliest cultural history.
Préhistoire de Cartondue
Les découvertes préhistoriques que l'on peut admirer sur les photographies réunies ici témoignent du degré élevé de développement de la culture cartondulée à un stade encore précoce. Ainsi se trouvent à côté du mode d'emploi détaillé d'un arc et d'une flèche des outils similaires et des œuvres d'art primitives d'une qualité et d'une diversité impressionnantes. L'analyse de ces artefacts mena à des interprétations totalement nouvelles quant à l'histoire des civilisations premières.
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